Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 4 of 5

Nothing insightful today.... I have been avoiding doing any house work this week.. I was pretty sure I had a dream about a fairy coming and folding all of my laundry last night but when I woke up & saw all the laundry STILL not folded, that's when I found out that my dreams of fairies was just that, a DREAM !!! Darnit !!!!

So instead of mulling over what to post today on this boring & unread blog, I will sign off today & put on the i-pod & actually get some work done around this jute-joint !!! So happy Thursday !!!

And the only reason I blogged this was because I said at the beginning of the week that i was going to post everyday for the next 5 ... So, truly sorry if you read this & thought "WHAT A JIP" ... :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

my 1st 4 pieces !!!!

check it out !!!!

Day 2 of 5

This post shall be named................. "Wonder of it All" ...

So if you live in IA, you along with myself woke up on this March morning with
snow clinging to the branches of the tree line & gently laying upon the tops of the yesterdays greening grass... Now alot of us posted on our FACEBOOK status "SERIOUSLY MORE SNOW" or "WTH (what the hell)" etc... But I looked outside & saw a purity... My treeline/woods were no longer dirty & dingy but washed clean with this brilliant site.. Okay so it might be chilly but it's not like any of us have put away our coats & have broken in those new flip-flops !!!

So today is a day to appreciate the change of seasons & to realize that this will pass & we will be seeing not only green grass & leafs blooming VERY soon but to appreciate the change of seasons & stand back at the WONDER OF IT ALL !!!!

Amazed at the Wonder of it ALL

Monday, March 28, 2011

1 a day for the next 5 ... Appreciating my TUMMY

Monday: Well this is the start of my birthday week and as each day closes in on my "34" years & I leap into the "35th" on Friday I want to have a sense of appreciation... So here goes...

As I am getting out of the shower this morning I am doing my normal.. Take my hair out of the towel to brush it, q-tips, stare at my wrinkles a little, moisturize my face & last lotion up this body.. Well as I am doing that my towel falls away from my knot just above my chest bone... As I have the lotion in my hand already I am unable to pick up the towel & re-wrap it around.. I MUST apply w/o a towel wrapped around my body to hide my eyes from this "VISION" in the mirror... As I am applying I look at myself... Now we all might look at ourselves weather it be clothed, naked or just standing in our undies but this morning I run my lotioned hands across my tummy.. I gently do it at first then pull a little to see if the white stretch marks disappear (they don't even as hard as I might stretch). Then I turn sideways normal then of course SUCK IN.. Then I inspect the little white arch stretch marks along my hips .. Then I proceed to ponder a tummy tuck & that passes quickly because ... Well just because.... Now of course my 1st thought is "Man I need to get out JOG" but then I smile.....

Now I am NOT skinny, but don't believe I am a HEFFER either... Not necessarily quite completely comfortable in my skin but definitely doable !!! But I see those stretch marks and look at them as BADGES of HONOR... Each one was created because this body has seen 6 pregnancies & 3 full term births ... Yes you read correctly I have been pregnant 6 times (and for the first time in about 13 years I am shedding tears over the 3 unborn children I have lost, where did these tears come from??). We lost 3 babies before we had Walker.. Different story for a different time... But as I smile in the mirror I am smiling because God gave me the ability to carry 3 children & though I will NEVER carry another child in my womb again I am grateful for the blessing/opportunity to have done so. Some women might have these "badges" surgically removed but for the rest of my life I will choose to wear these "badges" with honor.. Now don't get me wrong I am not some EAST SIDE, WIFE BEATER WEARIN, HOT MAMA whose gonna go get a string bikini cuz I want you to check these badges out but I AM NOT ASHAMED of these faded marks that have been placed upon my body !!!!!

So enjoy the pictures below & you will see why I am grateful for my BADGES OF HONOR...
1st picture is me pregnant with Mayson
2nd picture is me pregnant with Walker
3rd picture is me pregnant with Maddox..

don't know why they are out of order but ya know !!!

Enjoy & Appreciate the blessings that have been given to you !!!!


misc years

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misc years

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misc years

Click here to view these pictures larger

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


YAY !!!! My books totally came !!! I am so excited & they are calling to me.. "sit down read us, we need love too" .. .They will just have to wait, because I have a hot lunch date & YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE (Krista) !!!! So this is me blowing my books kisses & tell them I will miss them but will give them plenty of attention very soon !!!

Thanks !!

Okie-Dokie.. I know these are about a month old.. But I just learned how to post pics to my Blog (Thanks Renee & Angela) so these are ones that aren't even on FB ... Yes this is V-day... Walker's head is covering the pizza but it was shaped like a heart.. We wanted a dinner that everyone would enjoy.. We had a candle lit dinner w/ pizza, salad & strawberries .. Oh & let's not forget sparkeling grapejuice out of champne flutes for the kiddos !!! Was super fun !!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My 1st Precious Metal Clay Piece..Thanks Renee

Just a quick one !!!

Okay so I was sitting here trying to get off of FB & decided to yep... BLOG... 2 days in a row.. WOWWEE !!..

I was continuing to say in my head a few of the random phrases that gals/guys at work say & they were making me smile so I decided to share them with those who read my blog...
3. SHUT THE FRONT DOOR (shut the f up) ..

As silly as they are they make me smile & I like to say them..

On a more serious note..... OH wait I don't have to many of those "notes" so whatever & enjoy the day .... To all of you out there in FB land, Blog land & working land , I LOVE YOUR FACE !!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Beautiful Monday ... Oh How I love THEE !!!!

BEEEP...BEEEP...BEEEP... (Alarm Clock) I REACH over to hit the snooze, once again & realize, YAY it's Monday & I haven't heard the annoying sound of my alarm clock in 11 days.. But this brings me JOY... It's the 1st day back from Spring Break... As I did enjoy not waking up to the alarm clock for the past 11 days & I truely did enjoy the kids being home a small (BIG) part of me is glad to have my days back to myself... Our spring break wasn't eventful but peaceful & quiet.. We did do some family fun days but mostly relaxed & hung out...

So I've decided that this will start the count down to SUMMER BREAK... Wait till you see the 1st day of school being in session.. It will be a joyous one & I will be blogging about how I am sitting here infront of the computer & telling you all about my plans for my days.. But for now I will enjoy what time I have left of this school year & yearn for the time on the deck with my book in hand, ipod playing softly in the background & enjoy my silence !!!! Even though upstairs right now my hubby is running late for work & I hear him shuffeling around to get out the door.. I on the other hand have accomplished so much.. Got up, took the kids to school & have already had the ipod playing in my ears while taking a much needed walk for both the dog & myself... I still have such a long day ahead of me...

SOOO.... Not only do I get to have lunch w/ some girlfriends this week, get my wax on but...but.. the best part of the week is ......druuuuuuummmmm roll........... I take my PMC (precious metal clay) class 2mrow !!! I couldn't be more excited to get my hands dirty & start my creative juices flowing.. I have ordered & ordered & ordered books, products & materials & I am just chopping at the bit to get this show on the road.... I have officially asked my spousal unit for KILN for my birthday.. He asked the price & I encouraged him to call him mom & mine so they can all go in on it.. We'll see how that works out... I have my little note book with all of my project idea's written down & am ready to start creating...

As you all know I LOVE being a waitress & do believe that I am a "career waitress" and am absolutely thrilled that this is the path that has been laid before me. I love my job & I am GREAT at it... But to find a passion, not a job but something that I love & that is just for ME is truely a GIFT.. So many people search for that 1 something for so long.. My passion, in which I believe I owe my mother credit to, is, creativity & working with the imagination & the drive to do so.. So, thank you mom !!! I know it's not painting on sweatshirts, pillows & getting the fine art of stenciling down (like when we were kids) but none the less it is MINE !!! So, thanks MOM !!! I will post pictures of my pieces once some are complete !!

Thanks for reading my very THANKFUL post today folks !!! Have a good Monday !!! Hugs to all !!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

SUP !!!!

Okay.. Let's see if this post will actually come onto my FB page so I can share my insanity...

So today, March 17th, St. Patricks Day whoohoo, naaaa... I didn't celebrate today w/ all the other "wanna-be irish men & woman" .. I get to go to work tonight.. But I am looking quite festive though.. You'll have to come out & see me if you want a good laugh !!! This day doesn't mean much to me, well it never has but I did get the opportunity last year to go out & celebrate w/ a bunch of my gal-pals but I figured I could get smashed anywhere or on any given day so why just choose a random day to do so !!! Oh well.. Enjoy to all of you who do so !!!

So this last week & a half or so has brought alot of things about.. Good conversation, bad conversation, fun adult "toy" party, too much absolute vodka, spring break & 1 trip to the ARL to return a stray dog ... I would say all in all it has been pretty eventful ..

Kids had GREAT confrences.. All my kids are thriving & excelling in there studies.. HUGE WRAP AROUND PAT ON THE BACK.. Spring break hasn't been very eventful with them though.. We did go Rollerskating, did a little paint job on the club house, pizza day then a stray dog was found.. Woweekazawee !!!! We named him Sammy & loved him up for about 24hrs & T-dog & I decided that we just aren't ready, or maybe never will be, for another dog.. BIG or SMALL !!!! So we had a non-shedding tear moment when we took him to the ARL for adoption.. There is no way that little guy will not be adopted (just not by this family)

Conversations with old friend... Well that is left to be decided eaither as a good or bad note.. Not sure how to take it !!!! Ya know the choices that we make in our lives decide alot for ourselves. OBVIOUSLY.. But ya never know which path is the right one & if we knew that in the decision process there would be no need for anxious hearts, worry or bad choices because it would all be written out like a novel for ourselves.. So with that said ................WHO KNOWS !!!!

Well enjoy the rest of the day !! I'm off to work & play !!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


So it's been a weekish or so since my last blog... So today I will just "rambel or is it ramble" anyways....

#1 if you read my FB stat from yesterday you have now figured out that DUN..DUN..DUN..DUN (suspensful music) Mayson is having her "period" talk at school today.. Of course she reminded me of this once again this morning.. But she had no fever & no flu like symptoms so the young Mooter will be hearing about how her body will be changing & she will bleed for 7 days & NOT DIE !!! Too funny.. I told her I was looking forward to hearing how it went... She rolled her eyes & went to do her hair & teeth regiment for the morning...

#2.. I was running around after I dropped the Junior highers off (cigs & gas stuff) and was on the phone w/ my gal pal Mindy & saw that Walker was calling me.. So I say to Mindy, "Hey Walker is calling me I'll call you back".. Now, some time later when I called her back she says..." When you hung up w/ me I realized you just let me go to take a phone call from your son"... Now I didn't think much of this once it came out of her mouth.. But to her it was one of those moments. Like... When in the world did Walker get old enough to have a cell phone? When in the world did he become this young man who is able to thrive (shortly) on his own.. These moments also come to me when I am able to run to grocery store & leave all 3 of them at home instead of packing them up in there car seats, making sure seatbelts are on, telling them to look for traffic while crossing the parking lot etc....... ALL FOR A DARN GALLON OF MILK... It is a beautiful thing...

Last night while at work I was talking w/ a former Phillips (kids school) parent about Junior high & elelmentry etc, & she showed signs of saddness that her kids are all getting older etc.. Then I informed her that as I am not ready for the raging teenage years yet but I am looking forward & do everyday appreciate the fact that I no longer have young toddlers at home... I am glad I had the oppotunity to have my babies, OOOHHHH NURSE MY BABIES (loved every second of it), raise them, watch them take there first steps etc but am unbelievably greatful at the fact that they are no longer whinney 3yr olds.. YUCK... When I hear a child whine or the parent is chasing down that stinky little one I just sit back and smile.... I can relate so much better & have such a more meaningful conversation w/ all of them at this age instead of trying to figure out... "now which cry is that & why in the world will they not stop asking WHY" ... :) So to all you woman out there who just love babies & would keep having them until God closes the womb, MORE POWER TO YA... But this old brod is THANKFUL for the Ball-o-cologist's (Urologist's) ... SNIP..SNIP BABY...

Another funny this week involving the SMALL people in my home... For those of you who know me I HATE LONG hair on MY boys.. But against my better judgment I allowed the boys to grow out there hair for the past few months.. YUCKKO !!! Anywho... Walker has said "mom you can bribe me with a subway when your ready" ... I reluctantly have said, "no it's okay" ... Well it is now the middleish of March & Walker says Monday morning, "It's driving me crazy" & i said "what is buddy" ? His exact words were "THIS LONG HAIR"... I needed no more hesitance... So that afternoon I texted Tommy & said Walker says he wants his hair back to his 3 & 1 (length on the clippers) and so it shall be done.. He (tommy) calls and says, don't worry babe I'll take them to get there haircut 2mrow, I say WHY, he says just worries I got it... I say, your just gonna try to talk them (Walker) out of a butch cut.. too bad pal, Walker wants his done & Mack needs a trim ... Long story short Walker got a butch & Mack is got a trim & is still on the warpath to grow his hair out like Anakin Skywalker (not on my watch you won't..).. I hate to be that mom who says what they can & can't do with there hair but they just look like hot messes & scurvy little monsters when they are all shaggy... Yuck ... I figure when they can comb there hair so they don't have bed head everymorning & actually care then they can wear it how they want (we'll see about that one too) ... :)

Anyways the point of the haircut story is as follows.. I actually did have to buy candy that day for the kids & to sweeten the deal I had to buy gummy bears the next for science project they all wanted to conduct with leaving the bears in water to see how big they will get... MACK ate 1 or 2 of the water logged gummy (slimy little boogers) bears this morning & he wasn't impressed.. But if he wasn't impressed after tasting the 1st one what makes you think the 2nd is going to taste anybetter.. Who knows ??? Crazy clowns...

Well that's all folks.. If you read, thank you & I do enjoy blogging & think i will continue !!! Now on with my day !!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Okay so I haven't blogged in awhile !!!!

So it's been about a weekish or so since my last blog, THE DAMN BABY HAMSTERS !!! So I find myself avoiding house work to sit in front of the computer & write a blog in which about all of 3 people read instead.. WHATEVER !!! Don't care !!!

I have found myself in these past few weeks of NON-DAY employment quite refresing. I have made it a point to enjoy a quite cup of coffee everyday after I drop everyone off at school, cleaning the house up (because WTH no matter how much i do it the day before it always needs it again the next day), doing lunch with someone special (whoever that might look like that day), coffee with someone special (whoever that too looks like that day) & running erronds for the ones I love..

So as I sit here on this BEAUTIFUL March 1st day, with the sunlight streaming in the windows, stalking the neighbors house & watching the new "neighbors" move in I am in aww.... Why you ask? I will tell you? Because as I have gotten older I appreciate the change of seasons.. Yes we all complain about IOWA weather.. But hell the reason I live in Iowa (well I was born & raised here) is for the change of seasons.. Warm, Hot, Chilly, COLD !!! I can't say I enjoy the snow melting & seeing all of the dog crap in the yard but enjoy the fact that soon enough there will be green grass growing (minus the dog piss spots) & the smell of lawn fertelizer (no, not dog pooh) on the yard & watching the tulips come up, watching my winterized daylillies & hostas go from just brown little dead leafs to full blown green foliage !!! It seems to happen over night.. It seems like the leafs pop out over night also... Another beautiful thing about spring is watching our tree line in the back yard go from YUCK brown & seeing all the fallen trees to "DAMN, IT'S A JUNGLE IN THERE, WATCH OUT FOR THE POISON IVY"....

I am just stating that I am very appreciative to the abiltiy to watch things change around me.. Change that is inevitable.. For those of you who know me I don't do change very well (on any level) so when the season's change it is one of the "changes" I handle very well & accept with open arms.. And if I can fit the word CHANGE into another sentance I might shoot myself.. So what word should I say instead of change.... ummmm......... I don't know I'm not that patient to try to figure it out.. so whatever.. count the word change as many times as you would like... :)

So I think I am going to end this nonsense post for the day & go about my day... Enjoying another fun filled day in this crazy life I call MINE !!! Right..Wrong or indiffernt (as a good friend of mine always says) it's my life & love it or hate it at least it is all MINE !!!!